PEI Free Church is a network of reformed, presbyterian, and evangelical churches on Prince Edward Island and are affiliated with the Free Church of Scotland.
We are committed to the proclamation and furtherance of the Christian faith. We believe that faith in the person and works of our Lord Jesus Christ is humanity’s greatest need, since it is only by His perfect sinless life, sacrificial death on a cross, and bodily resurrection from the dead that we can be reconciled to God and granted eternal life.
Whether this is news to you, or it already forms the very foundation of your existence, you would be very welcome to attend one of our Free Church congregations where you can expect a warm and gracious Christian welcome.
There are six congregations on PEI which are served by three pastors. These congregations are divided into three 'charges': Western Charge (Cape Traverse and Desable), Birchwood (Charlottetown), and Eastern Charge (Murray River, Montague, Mount Albion [Birch Hill]).